Giving in Memory or Honor

Contributions can be made in honor of someone (e.g., celebrate a birth, a life, anniversary, special occasion or to give thanks). You may direct your memorial gifts to any of the following ministry areas endorsed by First Presbyterian Church. Principal and income earned in the Memorial Fund categories will be used on the endorsed ministry areas.
Gifts received without a specific designation or program will go to our General Endowment Fund. Endowments carry the restriction of preserving the principal and using the portion of the investment/interest income for special program(s) of the church or for capital improvements to church facilities and other purposes as approved by FPC Session.

A note will be sent to the person you have honored or to the family of the deceased notifying them of the gift. The note will not indicate the amount of the gift, but will let them know a gift has been made in their honor or memory. In addition, gifts from church members will be listed in church bulletins and newsletter.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash