
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..." -Matthew 19:14

Children's Ministries provides nursery care on Sunday mornings, children's worship, and Sunday school.

FPC Nursery
Nursery care is provided for infants through 4-year-old children. Your child will see the same friendly faces whenever they are cared for in our nursery.
  • Opens at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday 
  • Children may remain in the Nursery through the 10:00 Worship Service.
  • Children will be signed in and out by a caregiver and should be picked up immediately following the service (unless caregiver is staying for The Trek Young Adult Discussion Group through noon).
  • Nursery is extended until noon each week except on 2nd Sundays when we enjoy 2nd Sunday Lunch together.
  • Special events and Young Adult activities may also have Nursery provided.

Children's Moment
  • All children, ages 4 through elementary, are invited to participate in a Children's Moment during the 10:00 a.m. worship service.
  • All children are invited to the front of the church to sit together during this time.  
  • Children are dismissed to Sunday School classes with their teachers after the Children's Moment and return back to the sanctuary after the sermon.

Sunday School
  • Sunday School classes are available for all ages beginning at age 4.
  • Children are grouped by age for classes: PreK-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade, and 6th-12th grades. 
  • Sunday School is held following worship until 12:00.
  • A comprehensive confirmation experience is provided for 6th - 8th graders when available.
  • The lessons during Sunday School complement the liturgy for the day and also include opportunities to learn and practice the Lord's Prayer, Doxology, and Apostles Creed.

Children's Event Schedule
  • A more detailed schedule of events, with the time and location, can be found in the FPC Event Calendar.

Sunday Morning WORSHIP

10:00 a.m.

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