Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..." -Matthew 19:14
Children's Ministries provides nursery care on Sunday mornings, children's worship, and Sunday school.
FPC Nursery
Nursery care is provided for infants through 4-year-old children. Your child will see the same friendly faces whenever they are cared for in our nursery.
Children's Moment
Sunday School
Children's Event Schedule
FPC Nursery
Nursery care is provided for infants through 4-year-old children. Your child will see the same friendly faces whenever they are cared for in our nursery.
- OPEN at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday
- Children remain in the nursery through the 10:00 worship service.
- Children will be signed in and out by a parent and should be picked up immediately following the service (unless staying for "The Trek" Young Adult Discussion Group).
- Special events and young adult activities may also have nursery provided.
Children's Moment
- All children, ages 4 through elementary, are invited to participate in a Children's Moment during the 10:00 a.m. worship service.
- All children are invited to the front of the church to sit together during this time.
- Children are dismissed to Sunday School classes with their teachers after the Children's Moment and return back to the sanctuary after the sermon.
Sunday School
- Sunday School classes are available for all ages beginning at age 4.
- Children are grouped by age for classes: PreK-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade, and 6th-12th grades.
- The Sunday School lesson is provided during the 10:00 service following the Children's Moment.
- A comprehensive confirmation experience is provided for 6th-8th graders when available.
- The lessons during Sunday School complement the liturgy for the day and also include opportunities to learn and practice the Lord's Prayer, Doxology, and Apostles Creed.
Children's Event Schedule
- A more detailed schedule of events, with the time and location, can be found in the FPC Event Calendar.